EN48 Grid Expedition

W0W Summary

An amazing auroral show over W0W during our first night of operating!

Photos here!

It was a success! 457 QSO's in 178 different grids on 6m and 2m! All logs have been uploaded to ARRL's Log Book of the World and you'll be able to do a quick search in the clublog applet below. If you're sure you worked W0W and don't see your callsign in the log, email K9MU with your QSO details. Also, your callsign might be in the log duplicate times. This is due to uploaded logs from our networked computers to be sure we didn’t miss any QSO’s.

152 grids worked on 6m

26 grids worked on 2m

W0W EN48oc Log Search

Note: Modes may be incorrect and your callsign may show multiple QSO's. This is due to uploading logs from our networked computers. Please email K9MU if there are logbook inconsistencies.


Vince (K0SIX), Maria (K0MPP), John (WA0VPJ), Brad (KB0HNN), and Justin (K9MU) will activate EN48 from June 6th through June 10th. We will be operating from a cabin located on Gunflint Lake and only a stone’s throw away from Canada. Our operation will run with the 2013 ARRL June VHF Contest.

We will utilize a 7-element (6M7JHV) yagi on 6m and a 17-element (2M5WL) on 2m, both mounted on 20-foot temporary masts. We will be running Elecraft K3's and amplifiers which should provide at least 500w of power on each band. We will have a station on 6m and 2m continuously.

Tentative frequencies on 6m are 50.148 SSB/CW and 50.248 FSK441. On 2m, 144.208 SSB/CW and 144.148 FSK441. We will be sending on the 1st period (0-30 seconds) during FSK441 runs. Please spot us when heard.

We will not have access to the internet or cellular phone service. Please schedule yourself for meteor skeds on the public Google spreadsheet. We will print a copy before departing on June 6th.

Brad's (KB0HNN) vehicle will have APRS and chirping KB0HNN-12 during our trip north. You can follow us at http://aprs.fi/.

Thanks for your time and remember to keep your antennas north!

73 de the W0W crew!

Meteor Scatter Scheduling

WØW Skeds Google Document Please schedule yourself for meteor skeds on the public Google spreadsheet using the link above. Our meteor scatter activity will primarily be on FSK441a using the WSJT software. You may also schedule periods using SSB, CW, or JT65 modes. We will use 50.248/144.148 for WSJT modes and 50.148/144.208 for CW and SSB. We will print a copy of the spreadsheet before departing on June 6th.

QSL Info

Please send all QSL requests with an SASE to:

All QSOs will be uploaded to ARRL's LoTW.

Thanks to our supporters!

Arthur - K0KUK, Dave - NI0W, Rick - N0VCF, Hal - N7NW, Tad - K3TD, John - KC0BMF, Bill - ND0B, Scott - KA9FOX

Active Webpage User Location

Last updated: 05/20/2013
Website by K9MU