VHF Grid Expedition to EO30

K9MU/VE3 - EO30

June 21st-25th

50 & 144 Mhz

HF Liaison 7.268 +/- QRM and 14.325

Fishing Camp - EO30

Amber (my YL) and I will activate EO30 from June 21st through June 25th. We will be staying at a fishing camp near Ear Falls, Ontario. The main purpose of our trip is to experience some good ol’ Canadian Walleye fishing! However, when not fishing (Or if there is a big Es opening!), I will be calling/monitoring on the calling frequencies. With the trip running during the peak of the summer Sporadic Es season, I’m sure there will be several opportunities to log EO30 for a new one!

A 5-element yagi (17 ft boom) on 6m and a 10-element yagi on 2m will be utilized on a 20-foot temporary mast. An IC-746 will provide 100w on each band. I will be checking http://www.on4kst.info/chat/ and other chat servers occasionally throughout our stay. Please look for me then to arrange any skeds. Alternatively, if you would like to guarantee a sked with EO30, you may arrange one ahead of time. I will be taking hour-long periods from 0300z through 1100z on each night of our stay. I will also monitor the HF liaison frequencies at the top of each hour (When not fishing) for 5 minutes.

Thanks for your time and remember to keep your antennas north!
73 de Justin K9MU/VE3 and the EO30 crew!

Meteor Scatter Schedules (FSK441)

If you are interested in a FSK441 sked please email your request by June 19th to:

I would like to use 50.263 and 144.143. Please let me know if you have a birdy or other interference issues on those frequencies.

Skeds can be either a half hour or a full hour. I would like to keep skeds during the late night and early morning hours as to not interfere with fishing time. I should be QRV with WSJT by Saturday night (after June 22nd 0000z).

If a sked is completed early I will immediately QSY to the next band
(if hour periods are 'back to back' or we have a sked set for another band)

CW and SSB skeds can also be arranged!
All schedules will be added to the list below.
06-22-08 0400-0500 (11p-12a) KM0A - EM48ut 144.135 K9MU/VE3 168º @ 801 miles
06-23-08 1130-1200 VE2DSB - FN35hs 50.263 K9MU/VE3 100º @ 966 miles
06-23-08 1200-1230 VE2DSB - FN35hs 144.143 K9MU/VE3 100º @ 966 miles
06-24-08 1130-1200 N5SIX - EM42xi 50.263 K9MU/VE3 171º @ 1245 miles
06-25-08 0400-0430 W9SE - EN50mm 50.255 K9MU/VE3 161º @ 700 miles

Please email your sked request to:

Contests During Our Stay
SMIRK 6M Contest - June 21-22, 2008

Other Chat Servers